what self-love really means

What self-love really is and why all of our exploits and expression need to start from (and return to) there.

you are more powerful than you think

If you are not living your days excited and blown away by your experience... you are not in your power. You are FAR more magical and powerful than you think, the problem is your energy gets locked into & wasted in patterns of tribal conditioning.

Learn what is required to release and access this frozen energy to ACTUALLY fully experience and embrace your full power.

Email me to request it & I'll send you a free 2 part workshop recording to help you do exactly this.

money, expansion & setting the bar

Why it is important to set your sights on what you truly want and not accept less.

The true foundation of confidence

The ACTUAL, unshakable basis of confidence. Find out more about the program here.

the trap of being helpful

If you're showing up for others out of an energy of sacrifice or proving your worth - you are not actually serving them.

the radical act of trusting what is

You cannot allow outside feedback to determine what is right and wrong for you. Your experience is valid - no matter the response of others. Then it is about constructively bringing that experience into dialogue with others for mutual growth, healing and benefit.