Power. We all want it, but what IS it?

Power. It’s a big & loaded word.

And what does it mean really?

In the past I would have understood power as my ability to get what I want, have what I want, and as money, success, influence, connection, position, status. If I was failing at these things I was not powerful. Or at the least, there were so many people out there with so much more power than me.

Then, as my spiritual practice and understanding deepened I realized that in fact, true power lay first and foremost in my ability to reside in a beautiful, clear, loving yet unattached state of being, no matter what.

This continues to be true.

And - my understanding also continues to deepen.

What I see more clearly now than ever before is that any moment I am judging - even ever so slightly - my own reality and who/how I am as ‘not good enough’; ‘lacking’; or ‘needing/wanting it to be different’ I am out of my power. Period. This can be as subtle as having a mildly uncomfortable feeling in my body and not wanting it to be there or as obvious as wishing I had way more money than I do. 

I have realized that there were all sorts of ways in which I was not accepting or honouring what is and who I am that I was not seeing but just taking, unexamined, as truth.These were ways I felt I had to be, or be different than I was, in order to get what I want. For example ‘I need to be busy/working all of the time to be successful’ - maybe you know this one ;)?

I realize now that each and every one of these was inhibiting my true power.

Because true power lies in total acceptance of what is.

What I also see now is that full acceptance of things as they are does NOT mean giving up on my dreams, goals and desires. Acceptance of things as they are (and myself as I am) is in fact the only truly functional place from which to move into manifesting my desires. The ‘error’ isn’t in wanting or desiring more, it is in the feeling of lack from which that desire is sometimes born.

I am therefore most fully in my power when I am BOTH fully accepting of what is AND moving actively towards my desires.

So - what is the uncomfortable and relevant truth that emerges out of this?

This means that wherever you are NOT moving towards (or getting) what you want, is exactly where you are not in your full power.

I therefore want to ask you to get very honest with yourself...

Where are you avoiding, procrastinating, or continually not getting what you want? 

Where are you settling for ‘this is good enough’? 

These are the exact places where you are letting limiting views control your life rather than your true heart. These are exactly the places where healing is required. These are the exact places where you are not in your full power. 

Click the link here to answer questions first and foremost for yourself to see where you are avoiding your power.

I will review these and reach out to discuss how I can best support you.

Yours, on the journey to full empowerment,


Image courtesy of Rostyslav Savchyn on unsplash.com